Creating an HTML Push Button
The HTML <button> tag is used for creating a button within HTML form.
Specific Attributes
The HTML <button> tag also supports following additional attributes:Attribute | Value | Description |
autofocus | autofocus | Specifies that the button should have input focus when the page loads. |
disabled | disabled | Specifies the button is disabled. |
form | form_id | Specifies the forms to which button belongs. |
formaction | URL | Specifies the link where the form submits. |
formenctype | application multipart/form-data text/plain | Specifies how the form data is encoded before sending it to server. |
formmethod | get post | Specifies how to send form data. |
formnovalidate | formnovalidate | Specifies that the form data should not be validated. |
formtarget | _blank _self _parent _top | Specifies where the response should be validated. |
name | name | Specifies the button name. |
type | button reset submit | Specifies the button type. |
value | text | Specifies button's initial value. |
Event Attributes
This tag supports all the event attributes described in - HTML Events ReferenceBrowser Support
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |